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Zombie in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A dream about a zombie most often means a feeling of being overwhelmed by external forces or by people whose actions are beyond our control.
    see - means a physical or emotional detachment from a certain group of people
    to be him - you will be under the influence of enormous stress or you have a sense of your own helplessness and that others can defeat sooner or later
    to see the zombie horde - a dream is a reflection of possessive love
    to be bitten by a zombie - your cynicism will pay off against you
    turn into a zombie - you will stop controlling your emotions
    if a familiar person turned into a zombie - sleep testifies to fading relationships
    cut off his head - sleep is a testimony to instability and peace
    kill zombies - finally stubborn cope with obstacles and troubles on your way
    see things going in your direction - you will lose control over a certain thing in your life
    defend your home against the zombie attack - greed and selfishness can bring misfortune
    fight the zombie invasion - you will not be able to maintain a healthy relationship with a certain person
    run away from the zombies - sleep warns against taking unnecessary risks, which can only bring disappointment.

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