Tremor in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?
Tremor in sleep very often heralds unexpected situations that will soon occur in your life. Sleep is also a warning sign of illness or extreme fatigue dreaming.
when you see them at home - you are still frightened by a certain area of ââyour life, perhaps you have lost control and need to find a moment to rest, you need to think carefully what you want to do next
when you see someone shivering - you will soon triumph over your rivals
trembling from the cold - a sign of losing control over your own emotions
trembling with anger - most often means that you will have little time to complete certain things
trembling with fear - reflects your own fear of loneliness and abandonment
trembling due to illness - this is a sign that for some time you will not be able to complete any case
if you watch your hand shake - you will feel stressed or nervous for some reason.
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