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Shoelaces in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    The dream about shoelaces is a sign of attachment to one's own beliefs. It is also a symbol that is associated with childhood. Shoelaces very often portend involvement in a romantic emotional relationship .
    see the laces - your thoughts so far will make you make a hasty decision
    tie your shoelaces - soon you will be ready for realizing your goals and dreams
    untied shoelaces - you are not ready yet to take on new challenges in life; maybe fear limits you from starting a new job or you do not have enough resources to fulfill a new venture
    kidnap - confusing experiences confuse the hope of improving your current existence
    not have shoelaces - start paying more attention to things and tasks that you perform every day and you will quickly increase your income ody
    beautifully tied shoelaces - a boring event awaits you that will have a significant impact on your future business relationship
    trip over the shoelace - you will lack the will and commitment to complete some important task
    tangled shoelaces - you will feel bored by a certain life situation
    colorful - you will experience crazy love that you will remember well one day.

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