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Petticoat in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Someone very bold will abuse your hospitality, be careful not to make it a routine. Sleep is also sexual, depending on the woman dreaming about it, it can have different surfaces.
    see her - someone you care about will visit you
    put her on - new possibilities ahead of you, take advantage of them while time
    white - you will quickly reach the winning position
    torn or damaged - wasted chances
    with lace - do not flaunt your intimacy because you will irretrievably lose the respect of the environment
    short and tight - it will be difficult for you to distinguish important things from the frivolous
    long and wide - act boldly, but be reasonable in financial matters
    stained - before you achieve it in life what you want you will waste a lot of time and energy
    tied up - men will not respect you
    elegant and beautiful - things will go your way.

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