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Water gun in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A water gun in a dream is an expression of passive aggressiveness and expressing feelings through a joke in such a way that others have problems with their correct interpretation. Dream is also a symbol of the dreamer's playful nature and joyful living in a fantasy world. Remember, however, that not everyone can properly pick up what you want to convey to them, because constantly playing pranks and tricks on others may be met with a lack of understanding and also cause unnecessary anger and aggression.
    If you see a water gun, it is a sign that you are constantly suppressing your feelings and emotions and you are afraid that you may hurt someone if you show your true face, maybe others will appreciate you for what you want to convey to them. Also remember that communication is the most important foundation of friendship.
    Using a water pistol may mean that the thing you fear is not all that terrible. Soon it will probably come to light that some people will pleasantly surprise you due to some understatements and a problem with expressing your own feelings.
    A dream in which you buy a water gun means that you are constantly looking for impressions in life, which makes it difficult for you to reconcile many things at once and find the right amount of time to rest, relax and play with your family.
    A broken or leaking water pistol is a sign that a joke you planned to implement will be met with disapproval, also be careful not to offend your loved ones, because it may lead to a break in mutual contacts.

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