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Tornado in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A tornado is usually a sign of turmoil and clutter in life. It represents a momentary disorder that can very quickly turn into heavenly peace. It also happens in life that after the storm the sun is shining and after the perturbations of life, the period of harmony comes when everything returns to normal.
    to see the tornado - it will not be easy for you, but after a period of numerous struggles you will finally come out your
    run away from the tornado - first do what's necessary and leave the rest for later
    chase them with the camera - you clearly lack entertainment in your life, be careful that the coming period of madness does not turn against you
    fall into the vortex of a tornado - do not take everything on your shoulders, engage your loved ones to help because they are needed
    see the destruction after the tornado - thanks to the right tactics you will avoid big problems in your life
    hear the forecast of an impending tornado - lack of determination in your life will make you feel very lost.

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