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Speed in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Speed ​​is a parameter that is normally not taken into account in the interpretation of dreams, but it can be important in several other respects.
    high speed in a dream - if the sleep is fast, we should focus our attention on the places where the sleep action slows down, it is a pause that is to emphasize specific scenes from the dream. sleep is slow then we should pay special attention to details such as colors, shapes, numbers etc.
    objects moving at high speed - we should focus our attention on the type of vehicle and answer when asked if it is moving at unnatural speed, if it is, then the dream indicates our sloppiness and life in a constant hurry
    overcome the speed limit - you live at high speed, you put ahead of you extremely ambitious goals and you will do whatever it takes to be able to make them come true
    speed of light - do not throw words too quickly to the wind.

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