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Sofa in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A sofa in a dream is a symbol of comfort, laziness and boredom; perhaps you feel that nothing bad is going to happen in your life, but be alert. Sleep. alternatively, it indicates the need to clear your own mind and thoughts. In a negative sense, it indicates that an overly disrespectful approach to life can make you overlook a problem that could have dangerous consequences.
    view of the sofa
    strong> - difficult tasks ahead of you, but you will cope with them perfectly
    old sofa - you will part up soon
    new sofa - you will make use of the things you have recently written off
    fall from the sofa - this is a kick from your subconscious, which will soon encourage you to change your current lifestyle
    sitting on it - means that you will get to know a very valuable person
    sitting on the sofa with your loved one - he knows it k that if you want to achieve what you really want, you have to leave your comfort zone
    fashionable sofa - means you live beyond the state
    vacuuming sofas - instead of blaming everyone around you for your failures, you'd better take care of yourself.

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