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Shark in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    The symbol of fear and death. In many dream books, the shark is associated with a strong emotional state, but also with the danger that we face. In a positive aspect, the shark is a sign of power and In a negative sense, it refers to aggression, over-excitement and the desire to control others. It may indicate deception. It is also a warning dream that heralds the appearance of a serious enemy in the near future. According to Freud, the shark is a symbol of sexual frustration.
    see him - you are afraid that you will not be able to pay your financial obligations on time
    see a shark in shallow water - too long you suppress anger, you will not stand it soon and you will finally explode
    shark swimming in clear water - you will be successful but jealous people will try to take it away from you
    catch a shark in a fishing net - you will overcome any problems that come your way to the goal
    catch him with a fishing rod - make a good deal
    bathe away from shark - sleep indicates the need to regenerate, relax and rethink the next movements in life
    watch him in the aquarium - you will not be able to face your own fears, the time has finally come to become a stronger man
    shark fin - you have to try harder to overcome the immediate threat in waking life
    shark tooth - a lucky omen that generally protects the people at sea
    attacking shark - you will find yourself in a difficult position and as always you can only count on yourself
    get bitten by him - the dream portends sudden and unexpected events in life that will initiate new changes
    to see many sharks - you live day by day without thinking about your future at all, better change your tactics because at some point you may be left with nothing
    see a shark in a cage - an announcement of a difficult situation in professional life
    little shark - dissatisfaction with everyday life will have an impact on your private life
    big shark - successful ventures that you undertake will tear the eyes of your enemies
    dead shark - nothing will be able to disturb your happiness, because sleep promises good profits and important reconciliations.
    The dream of a shark is related to working life:
    The appearance of a shark in a dream indicates a subconscious fear about the source of income and investments made. Such a dream often occurs in responsible people who have lost control over their own finances, e.g. because of losing their job.
    A shark in a dream is a predator that is a symbol of anger and hostility.
    A shark may reflect a certain person in your life who is greedy and unscrupulous, he usually goes over the dead to his goal and takes what he wants from life, regardless of other people's feelings.
    A shark dream may indicate that you feel completely vulnerable in life and vulnerable to the influence of others, especially in situations beyond your control. You are probably going through a long and difficult time in your life. Better no one gets in your way now or it could end badly for him.

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