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Rat in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A rat in a dream is a symbol of lies and deception. Probably someone from your close circle will soon take action behind your back. The situation will not change until You will not know the resentment of a man who wants your doom. Listen to what he has to say - then decide what to do next. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by negative feelings that can only destroy you from within.
    The dream of a rat usually also occurs when we happen to do something against our will or that we are not happy or proud of. The dream can also be a warning against false friends.
    Your stinginess may bring you only losses if you do not start to enjoy other people's flattering opinion Think if someone you know is trying to buy into your favors and then silently use you.
    to see a rat - you must have your eyes wide ot worth not letting a false person trust you.
    to see a running rat - someone has a passionate feeling towards you, which over time can turn into a lasting bond
    chase him - do not try to make someone happy, also think about your own benefits and what else you can gain in life
    attacking rat - be careful not to fall into the gutter because of your over-zealousness
    if a rat in a dream bites your heel - the dream is a reflection of the rat race that takes place in your everyday life; think about slowing down a bit and thinking about things more important than just material matters
    to be attacked by a rat - it's time to face your weaknesses and face unresolved problems
    be afraid of the rat - you will do something against your will and then you will regret it a lot
    fight it - you will get involved in a long-lasting a dispute that will not bring a beneficial solution to either side
    catch rats with your bare hands - you will be dominated by negative feelings that will force you to unfair competition
    observe how others catch rats - you will have a strong competitor in the fight for the heart of your chosen one
    see you caught - the person you consider to be your friend will betray you
    to catch and kill - you will face misunderstandings in love and even scenes of jealousy
    rat poison - be careful, because someone will try hard to spoil the order in your heart affairs
    dead rat - you will find yourself at a crossroads, which will make it difficult make any binding decisions for the future.
    wet rat - sleep warns against dishonest flatterers
    for the elderly - sleep foretells parting with a friend
    ratcatcher - you will sacrifice your important plans for your loved ones
    blue rat - someone who has lost your trust will now be worked hard to rebuild them
    brown - when it comes to shabby business, better be at a distance
    black rat - you will smell the deception against you; better in time to punish the culprits before they dare to completely eliminate you from the game in the fight for big profits
    gray - the confrontation with the opponent will turn out to be not as terrible as it might seem at the very beginning
    white rat - you will receive help that will come from an unexpected source.

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