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Purse in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Purse represents feelings and life situations that give us confidence or make us feel better than others. In a negative sense, sleep can be a sign of submission and about emotional destabilization.
    hold the purse - you will get a very profitable offer that you should seriously consider
    find a purse - they will appear before new opportunities that, if properly used, can provide you with a comfortable life
    lose your purse - the news you have been waiting for a long time will prove to be of little benefit to you
    get a purse from someone - you will receive an unexpected injection of money
    damaged purse - you will not properly fulfill your duties
    receive a stolen - your enemies are just waiting for your stumbles
    empty purse - you will lose the sense of your own identity in life, which will make you feel uncomfortable in your skin
    full purse - sleep warns against excessive pride and against making empty promises that we are not able to meet.

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