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Pips in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Pips augur well-being and success, especially if we see them in large numbers. Moreover, sleep often symbolizes our values ​​and is the center of our personality.
    eat the seeds - your health will improve significantly
    chew the seed - the harbinger of bitter experiences
    spit the seed out - you will finally mobilize yourself to more intense activities
    see many pips - you will fulfill yourself in all areas of your life
    see a small amount - you are a wasteful person, you spend money on the right and left, even though you do not have too much of it, if you continue like this in your life you will run into serious financial problems
    basket full seeds - this is how a dream proposes exceptional success in the social and financial sphere
    pumpkin seeds - you can expect professional successes
    sunflower seeds - you will fall into a whirlwind of crazy shopping.

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