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Net in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Net in a dream is most often a sign that you feel trapped by an overwhelming burden of duties, or that someone is constantly limiting your sense of freedom. much more difficult than you think. If for some reason you feel that you are trapped, you must decide on one solution among many. Sleep is also an expression of anxiety for your own life and a reflection of the actions we take. An open network is a sign of honest conduct in life, and a closed network indicates dishonest actions. In an erotic sense, a dream is an expression of longing for close-ups.
    to be online - a dream augurs a complicated situation in life or a sense of constant imprisonment
    cast the web - it's high time to broaden your horizons
    love web - after a long period of struggle you will finally be ready to start a new relationship
    catch fish in the net - someone will set a trap for you and just wait for you to fall into it
    catch only one fish - true love is right next to you
    get caught in the net - you will start to feel the lack of freedom in life, it's high time to take matters into your own hands and start deciding your own fate
    old or damaged network - you will hurt someone because of unfair judgment
    cellular network - you will manage to maintain a relationship with a close friend who will help you make some important changes
    internet network - connect with people who can help you break out of trouble and achieve better than you think.

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