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Insurance in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    Insurance is a sign of insecurity in life. The anxiety you feel prevents you from coping with life's adversities. It will be better if you stop focusing on negative events and devote yourself to more time to spend joyful moments You want to protect yourself from unexpected events, but remember that you are not able to predict or plan everything.
    see insurance - you will have a painful fight for your own survival
    life insurance - predict a certain situation that will happen against your will
    insure your home - the happiness of your home will be fired the most important thing in life for you
    insure your car - you will reduce your chances of achieving greater wealth
    work in insurance - unexpectedly you will become someone else's ernik
    free insurance - you will take advantage of the offer that your friend will offer you and you will do well
    pay compensation from him - you will put your savings in the wrong place
    insure someone - you will never come to the truth for which you strive so much in your life
    insure yourself - you will fail to predict a sad event that will affect your future.

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