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Hat in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?

    A dream about a hat means wanting to hide our actual desires and intentions. Alternatively, it represents our attitudes or the different roles and responsibilities that we play in our daily lives.
    wear a hat - you don't want to share your knowledge with others
    have - luck, profits
    to sew - you want to force someone to do things that you will never be able to do
    new - you will make a positive impression on someone
    wear it - something will throw you off balance
    see someone on your head - people will see you as a cocky
    change into a hat with someone - you will change your views on a certain topic
    top hat - aspirations to become wealthy
    top hat knocked off your head - you will finally stop being afraid that someone will take away power
    straw - lack of honesty in a partner relationship
    wear beautiful - you will take the right actions that will bring visible results soon
    hat with a feather - you will gain honor and recognition of the environment
    hold your hat in strong wind - big profits that were within your reach will be lost
    the wind blows your hat off your head - your plans and hopes will be blown away
    pick up your hat from the ground or the floor - happiness and joy will come to your doorstep
    hold in your hand - you will achieve many successes in your life that will bring you respect among other people
    floating in the water - you get disturbing news
    ugly, old or damaged - you will be in the wrong position.

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