Fall in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?
A fall often indicates a danger that awaits us. Moreover, it can often indicate a lack of control over our own life.
fall - you feel dissatisfied with your current life situation
to see someone fall - everything that has prospered so far will start to crumble
fall and not be able to get up - you will be humiliated by a loved one, alternatively sleep may foreshadow an illness
fall from a great height - you will suffer severe and unexpected financial losses
fall from a great height and do nothing to yourself - a dream can be a source of motivation and courage to start a new venture
fall as a result of tripping over a stone - you will soon discover something important in your life, which will give you more strength and become a driving force to start many creative activities.
fall into the ditch - your misdeeds will be revealed
hurt themselves by falling - your friends will turn their backs on you
stumble fall but don't fall - only providence can save you from danger.
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